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A study abroad student smiling 和 taking a selfie in front of a soccer field in a stadium

Watching an FC 巴塞罗那 Game Like No Other While Studying Abroad in 巴塞罗那, 西班牙   

If it wasn’t already clear on the streets, it soon was in metro stations. 这是比赛日. 很快,FC 巴塞罗那 会走上球场,给成千上万的人带来欢乐吗. 从我的第一个地铁站到西班牙站, I noticed that more 和 more people with Barça jerseys 和 scarves flooded the metro. 空气中弥漫着极大的期待. 但老实说,这仅仅是个开始. 

A group of study abroad students with their backs to the camera walking toward a set of stairs

步行到体育场Olímpico Lluís公司

因为在我们最后一站等待我们的是什么. 西班牙)是一个21分钟的步行,感觉像是某种朝圣. From the steep stairs 和 escalators on the horizon to the historic vibe created by the nearby MNAC museum, it seemed as if I 和 hundreds of others were on our way to a sacred place. We were in fact on our way to Estadio Olímpico Lluís Companys, Barça’s temporary home stadium. (这里还有其他的 巴塞罗那的外卖马德里的博物馆.)






游戏以一种非常令人惊讶的方式开始, 拉科鲁尼亚在前60秒内取得领先. 19岁的Samu Omorodion打进一球, there was a sudden hush in the stadium 和 then widespread whistling—a clear expression of fans’ disapproval of the game up until that point. 

I don’t think anyone could believe what happened before their eyes—I know I couldn’t! 我的第一个想法是奥莫罗迪翁越位了,但事实并非如此. 几秒钟过去了,球门还在. 巴萨以0比1落后. 

A group of people sitting in st和s at a soccer stadium watching the game taking place on the field


功劳应该给应得的人. Alavés started the game on the front foot, 和 Barça looked a little rattled after conceding a goal. Interestingly, Omorodion went on to have several opportunities to score. One shot would hit the post 和 others would miss the goal by just a few inches. He used his strong physique so well 和 I enjoyed seeing him duel with players like Jules Koundé 和 Ronald Araújo. 

随着比赛的进行, 更多的巴萨队员得到了触球机会, 形势朝着有利于球队的方向转变. 很快, 有更多的传球和进球机会, 球员们的信心明显增强了. 


Soccer players celebrating on a field at a stadium, as seen from the st和s



一定是罗伯特·莱万多夫斯基,不是吗? The prolific Polish striker secured an equalizer at the 53rd minute with a curling header that lifted the fans’ spirits 和 injected passion into his teammates. 

现在, 球员移动球的速度更快了, 和 their body language suggested that they were more comfortable taking risks 和 attacking the opposing goal more often. 像jo奥·菲姆利克斯和拉明·亚马尔这样的球员就在其中. 从他们令人眼花缭乱的奔跑到他们催眠的身体假动作, they zigzagged defenders 和 created many dangerous attacking plays. 

当我看到这些艺术在运动时, I couldn’t help but pause 和 realize that I was watching players I had only seen on TV in the past. 现在,我能看到以前看不到的东西. 我看到球员们是如何无球跑动的, 当判罚失误时,他们的肢体语言是如何变化的, 和 how players on both sides used high fives 和 pats on the back to encourage their teammates. All these little details are easy to miss if one only follows the ball. 但他们让足球变得更吸引人了. 


Without too much effort, one could hear the beating of drums as Barça fans urged their team on. 这是典型的足球比赛, chants were let loose after a great passing sequence or when Barça won a corner. But even in some of the duller moments of the game, the fans made themselves heard. 

我觉得任何运动的中场休息都是一个好时机. There are bound to be smiles 和 lots 和 lots of funny awkward moments! From kids showing off some trending dance moves to love cams creating hilarious situations, 总有笑的理由. And, of course, there's always hope that it’ll be one of us who pops up on the big screen :) 

Halftime at the stadium also provided people the opportunity to shop at the Barça store 和 buy a souvenir if they fancied one. 从巴塞罗那足球俱乐部主题的毛衣到官方球衣, 你可能会找到你感兴趣的东西. 


在第76分钟, 费兰·托雷斯在禁区内被撞倒, 裁判认为这是犯规. 就是这样. 黄金机会. 而主罚点球的正是莱万多夫斯基. 他会向左射吗?? 他会开枪吗?? 他会得分吗?? 他会错过吗?? So many questions swirled in my mind as he prepared to take the crucial shot. 但他是莱万多夫斯基…… 

所以他当然得分了! 和人群. 去了. 野生! He netted his second goal of the game with such calmness, such composure. 像往常一样, 他跳, 跳过, 然后精准地射进了球门, after waiting a split second for the keeper to make a move one way. I’ve seen players like Jorginho 和 Bruno Fern和es use similar techniques, 我一直对他们的罚球方式感到惊讶. So seeing something similar firsth和 by one of the best strikers in football history was exhilarating! 


接下来的几分钟让人神经紧张. I kept wondering if Alavés would find a way to get another goal before the final whistle—they looked dangerous on a few occasions. 但这不是命中注定的. 这是芭芭拉的一天. 

当我离开这个令人惊叹的体育场时, 我很高兴不仅看了我的第一场巴萨比赛, 但看到他们赢了. I’ve always respected the team for how it changed football 和 produced some of the greatest players ever. 看看今天的团队是什么样子, 和 the joy it continues to bring fans from all over the globe was sensational. 我不能再要求更多了. 

A study abroad student smiling 和 taking a selfie in front of a soccer field in a stadium



Christopher Olusayo (Sayo) Adeniji 内容创造者-博客在巴塞罗那吗, 西班牙, 目前在霍夫斯特拉大学学习.
谢谢你的评论! 你的评论必须先被批准




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